Digital Backpack

Expectations for providers depend on the age-group that they serve — please navigate to the corresponding page below

D65 Providers
D202 Providers

Get to Know
Digital Backpack

  • Eligibility
  • How it works
  • About Us
  • Use of the Digital Backpack Platform

    Advertise your programs on District 65’s dedicated out-of-school time programming platform

  • Program Recruitment and Visibility

    Expand program participation at no cost to your organization

  • Expand program access and increase diversity

    Be able to serve a wider population of students

Who is Eligible?

Out-of-School Time providers serving 5th-8th grade offering existing financial aid programming

Requirements for Participating Organizations

Supporting Student Participation

  1. Verify Student Participation in programming when prompted.

  2. Share outreach/marketing materials for use in the platform.

  3. Report on changes in program participation

eLEAP Platform Usage

  1. Sign the yearly Digital Backpack organization agreement.

  2. Maintain a listing of an organization’s public out-of-school activities available for 9th-12th Grade

  3. Ensure an active Digital Backpack manager account with a name, active email account, and phone number.

  4. Review and respond to eLEAP applicants weekly.

eLEAP Community Participation

  1. Participate in at least one summer open house and one academic OST year open house event.

  2. Share exemplary student work for inclusion in the eLEAP activity feed and quarterly Academic Year and Summer Showcase.

Teacher teaching in front of the students.

How the Platform Works

ARPA Funds:

We have $100,000/year in ARPA funds to supplement existing program scholarships for families from underrepresented populations.

Student Engagement:

Families will be allowed to allocate funds to programs of their choosing.

Ready to Get Involved?